Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"This Battle Will Not Be Lost" by Sandi Millwood

"This Battle Will Not be Lost" by Sandi Millwood is a story of a little girl by the name of Aubrie, who was only three years old and she struggled with lung cancer. The story starts off by giving the description of what the hospital room looked and felt like saying that it was a dull and cold room with only one small window. There were pictures on the wall that her and her daughter had colored to make the room feel like home.
The mother begins discussing how through this battle she was facing with her daughter, how precious life is and that every second you have with someone is truly a gift. She has gained positive influences through this experience that she says will last her an entire lifetime. She kept her faith alive and made her fight for the ones she loved stronger. She also had a set determination that she would never give up.
Of course she felt like they were normal people and seemed to ask “Why do bad things happen to good people?” I felt like I could really relate to this story because my brother had a brain tumor when he was about fifteen years old and I was about six years old. I know now that his illness took a big emotional toll on my mother but she did everything she could do to keep her son, my brother, alive. In the story although her daughter survived and was a cancer survivor, my brother perished after years of treatment which became a battle that my family lost. The survival of her daughter was why she kept preaching to herself that the battle would not be lost. I know my mother preached the same thing, but I guess it was just something that we in fact, had no control over.
This story taught me to keep hope alive and that prayer always works even when we think they do not. Bad things that happen in our lives are just a test of our faith and strength that we have in ourselves and others. I could definitely appreciate the quote at the end saying “Life is precious, every little detail and every second of life is a gift” (Millwood 34). “Never give up because it’s not over until it’s over” (Millwood 34)!

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