Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Spanglish- A mixing of languages between Spanish and English. The authors of this informitive article I would say is not talking to a very specific audience, but just letting us know the in's and out's off spanglish and how it is used wrong or right and the effects on our community as a whole. The authors tell us how spanish speaking natives will speak in Spanish and substitute a spanish word with an English word mid-sentence. For instance, "a first-grader greets her visiting grandparents, happily exclaiming, "Come here, sientate!"(Garcia 45). The "come here" was irrelavent to them because they do not understand English all they heard was, sientate.
Being that the Spanish speaking population is growing as rapidly as it is, it is to no surprise that spanglish is around. The authors tell how the advertising markets are trying to benefit from the prospective capital from publishing advertisments in spanglish. From personal experiance I've had people talk to me in Spanish not knowing a word they were saying but they would throw an English word in there and suddenly I would understand.
Spanglsih makes it seem easier to understand someone who is not fluent in another language.
It allows for more ease of communitcation and more willingness to try and communicate to others of different language. I am a full supporter of spanglish even though I dont know much spanish but the basics making this article very interesting to me and hopefully to others as well.

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