Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Thoughts on "A Man in The Woods"

"A Man In The Woods" is a story by author, Andrew White, who tells of a sister and brother
who journey to the outskirts of the city of Bankhead, Georgia. They explain how the city is not the richest of cities and share their observations on the looks of its poverty riden streets. The main goal of thier visit is to visit "Bankhead Village" which is located in the wooded area of the bankhead, where a group a men live in extreme poverty in man-made huts as I would imagine.
We can understand from the reading that the brother-sister duo do not make this trip very often
because they quote that, "construction had changed the area a lot from the last time we had been to visit our friends". but they obviously desired to visit and help out when they can.
The main perosn they mentioned visiting in the woods was a man from the village by the name of
James. they describe himas a seemingly happy man considering his living conditions. Living on an old gravesite next to the city dump and train tracks would seem to be the best conditions for anyone but james and the oter mean seemed to make well do under the circumstances.
Bringing ample amounts of food and bottle water to these men seemed as if it were a regular day
to the brother and sister. Personally I would have been terrified to even look twice at those wooded areas on the outskirts of Bankhead let alone to have enough courage to seek if people were out there. In a sense they were very brave and noble to be of kind to these woods mean who absoultly mean no harm. Not to many people these days think to be that kind of humanitarian.

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